All Printing Resources (APR) and SpotOn! Press have donated the recently released SpotOn! Flexo pressroom software to Minneapolis-based Flexo Tech. Flexo Tech is a not-for-profit education and training center that provides hands-on press operator training for flexographic converters across the U.S. and Canada.
The SpotOn! Flexo software donated to the facility allows press operators in training to work with a highly effective color-matching and color measurement tool. The software provides the press operator optimal ink densities for spot or special colors to match a reference color by using a predictive analysis algorithm.
The new SpotOn! Flexo software will work in conjunction with a new spectro-densitometer donated by Techkon USA. The handheld Techkon device gives Flexo Tech's press operators in training a fast and convenient way to measure color and density. George Adam, President of Techkon USA comments, "Techkon is driven by a strong commitment to education in print and related industries and thus delighted to support the Flexo Tech Program with its donation of the Premium SpectroDens device. We have partnered with APR on this project to provide the device in conjunction with APR's donation of SpotOn! Flexo software to support all of the color measurement initiatives introduced by the Flex Tech Program."
Richard Black, APR's Vice President of Business Development, adds, "One of the most significant issues in the label converting industry is the ability for companies to recruit and retain technical professionals. Ask any converter what their most significant pain points are and listed among them will be the ability to find and retain qualified employees. The programs Flexo Tech provides our industry are invaluable, as we seek to better educate and train the next generation of flexographic press operators. APR is thrilled that Techkon donated a SpectroDens device to work in conjunction with the donated SpotOn! Flexo software package, and we look forward to continuing our synergistic and mutually beneficial relationship with both Techkon and Flexo Tech in the future."
About Flexographic Tech:
Flexographic Tech is a Minnesota Non-Profit 501 C (3) Corporation dedicated to providing flexographic press operators and others in the flexographic industry hands-on training that ranges from a two-day color theory course to a 12-week deep dive of flexographic press operation. Flexo Tech is led by a nationally recognized instructor with over five years of teaching experience at Dunwoody Technical College. Flexo Tech’s mission is to provide the Midwest with a local source of training, filling the gap in the print industry’s need for qualified press operators. Flexographic Tech was founded and continues to be supported by AWT Labels & Packaging and Computype. For more information about Flexographic Tech, please visit: http://www.flexographictech.org.
More information about APR’s SpotOn! Flexo software can be found at:
More information about Techkon’s SpectroDens can be found at:
Download - An Article about this donation, and the Flexo Tech program, Adobe PDF 1.3MB