SpotOn! Press and All Printing Resources are pleased to announce a new version of their popular Flexo pressroom software SpotOn! Flexo.

The new SpotOn! Flexo version ( is Free to all SpotOn! Flexo users who have a current Software Support & Maintenance Agreement (SSMA).
The central feature of the new SpotOn! software is the ability to add Spot Color Tone Values (SCTV, a new ISO standard released in 2017). SCTV is a major industry buzz for Flexo and Package Converters as it finally provides a better method for managing tint values for non-CMYK colors. Think of all the Pantone, Spot, and Brand colors in your portfolio of customer jobs. With the addition of SCTV, users have access to valuable data for assessing and setting print impression.

Another key feature is the new Measurement Report. This new report incorporates a clear Pass/Fail indication with a visual LCH gamut map. Combined with the native Job Report, users have multiple solutions for communicating and recording color and job information to assist with process control and production consistency.
Users can check the status of their SSMA or renew their SSMA here: